A Better Village By Design

Our ARC Application Process is Now on TownSq!  

The purpose of architectural review is to ensure uniformity throughout the community and maintain property values. Elements such as paint and roof colors, fencing, additions and outbuildings all impact the aesthetics of our neighborhood. 

An application for approval, via an Architecture Review submission, accompanied by detailed plans and specifications of the proposed improvements must be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC).  An application must be submitted for projects such as new construction, alteration or modification of existing buildings, and new structures or improvements of any nature.  See paperwork and information library below!

A few key guidelines:

Any exterior painting that is NOT performed in the same color tones requires ARC approval.  Paint color change requests must include a colored photo of the brick, a sample of the proposed paint, together with a completed ARC application.

Any roof or fence replacement that is NOT performed in the same or equivalent materials, style and color requires ARC approval. Roofing change requests must include small samples or a brochure of the proposed roofing materials to be used, together with a completed ARC application.

We are in the process of switching the application process to TownSq. Please be sure to gather all needed permits, samples, renderings, surveys, colors, pictures, etc.  And the good news, we have eliminated the $25 ARC application fee!

Approval must be received in writing, prior to beginning construction. The approval process can take up to 60 days, so proper planning is suggested.

Permits: Harris County Engineering Office (HCEO) is the governing body for necessary permits. HCEO involvement in new construction has increased as the Houston area experiences more and more flooding.  Please do your permit research before you submit an ARC application. 



The purpose of a review committee is to administer our community's guidelines by overseeing changes and modifications to property through an application and appeal process designed to balance the interests of individual homeowners and the community as a whole, ensuring that guidelines are met and property values are protected. Ultimately, the review committee has a duty to put the interests of our community as a whole above the interests of individual homeowner.

Our architectural review committee is responsible for:

  1. Managing the application and approval process;
  2. Monitoring the community for violations of standards;
  3. Fairly enforcing standards set forth in our governing documents;
  4. Making subjective and objective decisions about guideline compliance;
  5. Making recommendations to the board of directors; 
  6. Reviewing guidelines for adequacy; and
  7. Educating the community about set guidelines.


If a Longwood Village homeowner plans to make an exterior change to their property in the form of an addition or modification, they will need to follow the formal process set forth in our governing documents. The review committee will review their proposed changes and determine whether they are consistent with set guidelines. Typically, the process will consist of:

1. Submit ARC application for approval - Submit application in TownSq with supporting documents and details.

2. Committee Review - The ARC committee will review and make determination. The determination is made based on our Association CCRs as well as Texas Property Code.

3. Decision - A recommendation from the review committee will be sent to the board of directors, which will approve or disapprove the application. Our CCRs set forth a time frame within which the review committee and board of directors must render a decision on a homeowner’s application.

For ARC Application submission and guidance on the process, see below or login to TownSq. Please see Tools> Documents> Architecture.

TownSq is the official HOA contact information system for our community. We ask that residents keep their profile and email updated. To update, login and click on your name in the upper right corner.  Select Edit Profile and make appropriate changes.